17 Jun 2014

Getting back in the groove!!

With the arrival of Life long Burden Joyous bundle #2 I've obviously not had the time to commit to the hobby.

Massive shame because I've got some neato stuff to do!

Anyhoo. Time to get back in to the saddle and force some progress. I thought I'd start with something fun to re-invigorate myself. Hence the Knight Titan. Lovely kit to put together and given the size and detail I would say it is worth the money.

A quick spray black undercoat in the carpark at work and onto my desk for painting and the usual odd looks from my colleagues. Working in a relaxed environment does have its advantages!! Lunchtime painting is really therapeutic.

He'll take me a while chipping away doing 40 minutes a day but it is progress! I'm intending him to be attached to my Iron Hands to bolster them up to 1500-2000pts quickly but I'm sure he be seconded out to the Howling Griffons from time to time.

Under my desk are the first thirty Iron Hands and I'm hoping that my paint scheme will be simple and effective as I don't want to take ages on them but I want to do more than just spray them black. I might start them soon as well and alternate between the two projects depending on my mood.



  1. That makes me want to go and paint mine right now - nice work there

  2. Very nice! It's amazing that we have 4 of these lying around atlast count and this is the first one done - we need to get them all done so 40k becomes like Epic.

  3. Great Stuff Eddy, I will certainly get on with my own Imperial Fists in August when I finally get some time.
