Well it's been a while! Tonight I have something a little different; Uncharted Seas has set sail. I originally bought these back at Warfare 08.... yes indeed. I'm between 40K armies at the moment so thought I'd get on with some other systems (well I have to appease the wife!)
Warmachine is ongoing and some pics to follow of my Cryx. Also I'm about to embark on my new Cowboy Posse which has also been sat waiting for a couple of years...
So here we have the Dragon Lords Battleship...

... and Frigates....

Here's the starter fleet (10 ships, 6 frigates, 3 cruisers, 1 battleship)

Orc Raiders for the Evil Monkey. Yes this game needs you to roll high on dice; Evil Monkey can still roll 6s like they're going out of fashion. I've no chance right?
Note all the guns at the front of the ship.... guess how Orcs approach their enemy?

The Fleet...

Sailing into a port near you soon. If the game's any good expect more ships soon!
Right - where's those Cowboys???