Inspired by VSM's post here's my latest project!
After Vanquish I've decided I need something else big and scary for the GoG Tournie. As we know 1 Greater Daemon just isn't enough so I've raided my shelves of holding and came across a little old Bloodthirster that the wife bought for me a couple of years ago!
You'll note that I seem to have bought shares in the Green Stuff company for this one! Frankly metal (especially big metal) just doesn't go together well so he's had a couple of pins and lots of green stuff to re-inforce him. He's probably the hairiest Bloodthirster out there...

So why Old Stumpy? Let's just say that the left arm with whip was so heavy that no amount of pinning or green stuff was holding it in place so after much thought I decided to run with a one-armed Bloodthirster! That way he can claim to have beaten you with one-arm tied behind his back :-)

Now to paint him this weekend and next ready for the GoG Tournie. No pressure then. Oh and then have to find some way to transport him!!