Evil Monkey and I are off to Cardiff in Feb and we need 2,000 point armies so I had to acquire a couple of hundred extra points. I love Choas Termies and with some Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket I ended up in GW Southampton and a box of Termies appeared.
4 of them will be taking part and joining the Chaos Lord in his Land Raider.
Heavy Flamer Dude
In the future expect to see Tzeentch Marines, WE Bezerkers, WE Possessed, WE Raptors, WE Bikers, Cryx Warmachine expansion and Dystopian Wars Prussians.
Also Evil Monkey and I are going for a Tale of 2 armies in an effort to encourage me to complete my Orks. He's doing an Eldar army based on Spider-Man so expect lots of red and blue + Warp Spiders. We aim to have 500 points each completed by the end of Feb and then 250 points every couple of months. Expect regular updates as we make progress.