I've added another 20 Boyz and 3 Kans to the fledgling Ork Deathskullz Army to give me 500 points in total. Hurrah they're now at a useable level!
I've kept the painting very simple for this army with washes forming the mainstay of depth perception; easier for a horde army!
The full 500....
How do I tell the 2 squads apart? I paint the gloves/wristbands different colours :-)
Kans - new plastic ones which are very spiky and do hurt. Washed with Black for the oily look...
So 2011 continues to be a good year for completing projects. I also completed the basing on the final Daemons so they're complete and done. Yay.
I'm finding that mixing up my painting is really helping: a unit for the Orks, then a World Eater unit then a marine unit etc. Enjoying the variation.
Next up: 500 points of Space Wolves, Planetstrike scenery for a GoG mini-campaign and Prussians for Dystopian Wars. After that I need to be looking at Dark Eldar, World Eaters, Tzeentch and Shrike's Marines. This assumes I don't get sidetracked by those shiny Grey Knights in April....