Well, here they are, the newest dynamic duo to hit my painting table and bounce off, now fully painted ready to take to the streets of Pulp City - Riposte (with the sword) and Arquero (with the bow).
These are probably my favourite sculpts in a series of figures that just keeps getting better and I knew as soon as I saw the previews on the Pulp City website that I had to get them when they were released, so I did and wasn't disappointed!
They form a "super-duo" in that they give each other benefits when close to each other, so I wanted to paint them in the same colours to give a nod to that. Yellow is a great colour to be able to use on super heroes and I really enjoyed the painting and highlighting as I've not really used it much before. I think it may well have been the early X-Men, if memory serves, who had a yellow and grey scheme like this and I thought it'd look good on these two.
I went for a warmer colour on Riposte's hair to offset the colder grey and Arquero gets a neutral overcoat so as not to detract from the main colour scheme.
Another shot below to get a different angle on the figures.
More great stuff Tea Urn - me likey!
Looking great.
The colours work really well on those
Very nice. I like that yellow and gray color combo a lot.
Cheers guys, these pictures really made me decide that I need to get some sort of light box set up.
It's somewhat dispiriting when you paint up some figures and are disappointed with the pictures - so a quick google search sorted me out and I'm off shopping tomorrow :)
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