Today let me introduce you to the Soul Grinder who will be taking both of his upgrades to take him to 185 pts. This together with 50 pts of Psychic powers and my final Bloodletter gets me to 250 ish...
And just cos I had some time I've put together these 2 new recruits to my Tzeentch Army; a Lascannon chap and a Plasma gunner who will probably overheat in every battle.
And then my latest challenge. I wanted a Chaos Hell Talon fighter-bomber but did not want to spend a fortune so I've been scouring shops for the last 6 months to find something to use as a base. Today I found it: ME-262 1/48th Scale pictured below. I love the ME-262 shape and with a spare twin-linked lascannon handy and lots of spare bits I'll give this a go! My pilot will be a nice little chap from the Aegyptus range that the BFG had on his shelves (suprising eh?) plus some lovely green stuff.
Next time you see it will either be as a completed Hell Talon or a wreck marker!
Right then that's me off to Germany for a week safe in the knowledge that I'm 1000 points done and over halfway there....
He's a soul grinder.....
Love this model lots and lots.
Using Newton inverse law it can be proved that you will overheat as often as you roll perils of the warp.
That Me262 looks pap and won't look good painted at all. Also I bet it will only be able to carry little small bombs. Come to think of it, I can't think any opponent would be so silly to line up all their troops in one straight line for this to be used in a devastating manner.
Cheeky we had a choice with the ooooh lets all have a special disruptor to.....errr disrupt all reserves coming on the table....oooh we only have 5! Oh my and a range of 48" each thats 8'diameter from each and all for 200 points.......I think I'll bring my reserves on from the reserve spot, yep that'll be the long table edge for...errrr reserves! Not much choice here.....oh well it taught me one thing...better research for the next battle!
Silly to line up....why I oughta...young wippa snappa!
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