I've used a mix of black lining and highlighting and washes to see what happens really; so consider this bunch my experimentation marines.
Scorched Brown is highlighted with Bestial Brown. Mechrite Red with Blood Red. Mordian Blue is black-lined. Boltgun is washed with Badab Black except any chest plates - these have been washed with Asurman Blue.
Blue on the shoulder and knee pads only. Red on the weapons and hair. Boltgun on the metal bits (hey I'm original sometimes). The red fur came about because I tried it with grey and I suddenly had too many colours. So I decided that all the feral wolves on the home planet of this pack have red fur; when the pack go through their initiation they then dye their hair red in respect to the wolves. Or somesuch....
Oh and the faces are Tallarn Flesh, Ogryn Flesh wash and then a drybrush of Tallarn Flesh over that again.
I have no idea yet how I'll tell the squads apart; might be something painted on the backpacks. I'll worry about it when the second Grey Hunter squad appears which as it's not built yet will be a while.
Next up Planetstrike stuff . We had a game last night and it was a lot of fun. It looks like I need to paint the Bastion, Landing Pad and Fortress together with some additions to my Tzeentch force. All in the next couple of weeks. Um well I'd better be getting on with it then.
Loooking good mate!
Shouldn't plasma be pink?
You're thinking of the stuff that overheats. I'm sure my Wolves are using that colder plasma...
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