Well here we are.....last day of the month again and posting my 250 pointer for the GoG army!
I have a chimera shown here, however I intend to replace this one with a Hanomag once it arrives.
This will be in keeping with the whole WWII German theme I am following.
I will also be using another Hanomag to transport my Ogryn......gotta have them!!! New rules coming that makes them irresistable! So I also get to use my beloved original Ogryn figures, six of them!
This time around I have used a mix of GW washes on the base colours and I have also colour coded the arm badges to set the out as a different unit from the infantry Platoons.
WiP.....few more conversions with wysiwyg on the officers and their trademark items.
Next month a peek at these trademark items and the biker gangs "Rough riders".