Meanwhile the reserves deep struck right in to the danger zone! Promptly drawing the unwelcome attention from WazzDakka...Gulp!!
The poor sods didn't know what hit them when the Nobz mob opened up on them!
The next turn saw the Ork Deff Koptas roar on behind the Demolisher and after silencing it again, finally destroyed it!
One moment of grace came when the Rough riders gunned their engines and counter attacked the Nobz mob ked by WazzDakka, while inflicting 5 wonds on the squad including Wazzdakka himself, the entire squad was summarily wiped out!
The Armoured Fist were the only troops left desperately acting as a rearguard to the onslaught of the Orks, eventually all communication was lost with them, all presumed lost.....
Well back to the drawing board for the Guard, I have until the 24th April to get this in to some sort of competitive army! As we'll be using our GoG's up in Lenton that weekend.
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