... and so here come the Orks. All dressed in yellow....
Mr.Nob with Power Klaw & Bosspole; the only figure in this first mob of 20 that didn't come out of the Assault on Black Reach set.

A mob shot...

Two of the lovely fellows; one showing off the fact that not all of them are wearing entirely yellow.

One of the two Big Shootas in the squad. These chaps wear a fetching orange jump suit; they are the Orange Jackets.

A slightly further out mob shot...

For those with an interest:
Skin = Mordian Blue with Azurmen Blue wash
Clothes = Iyanden Darksun (majority) + variety of other foundation paints + Gryphonne Sepia wash
Belts + Boots = Calthan Brown + Gryphonne Sepia wash
Armour, Guns, Weapons = Boltgun Metal + Badab Black wash
Base = Shadow Grey + Railway Flock that was bought years ago.
So this lot come in at 170 points. 2 more mobs just like this to do.
... Blue is the new Green don't you know!!