Those of good eye sight and memory will have noticed the Bloodletter has changed a bit since the last picture...
Suffice to say I couldn't replicate the test figure well enough for my own perfectionist qualities so opted for a quicker, meaner look. Out go the flame attempts and in come menacing black horns and a nice orange sword with red wash and some little blood red edgings. Oh and a brass handle as it seems to be more of a Khornate colour than Boltgun Metal.
The Flamer is a Mordian Blue base with Astronimocon(?) Grey for his lower body; all then heavily washed with Azurman Blue before an Ultramarine Blue highlight is added to the main body. The flames/tongues are Scab Red, Blazing Orange, Sunburst Yellow and Skull White. The base will not be staying sand...
The last 3 Flamers have had their Blue wash and are now drying overnight before being finished, hopefully, tomorrow night and then based during the week.
Next weekend I might do some Easterlings and possibly start on the Infinity Gangs for Sir... It'll be nice to be finished early this month with no pressure to paint up until Halloween...!
The blue on the flamers looks really good as it lightens down the body - nice work.
Personally i think it's cheating to decide which army to do more than 1 week from the closing date.... I'd love to post some "WIP" shots, but I can't get any WIP until I have an army! Sigh...
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