Rolling in with 3 hours and 27 minutes to go here are Octobers figures. One Chaos Marine unit exactly 250 points if you ignore the Nurgle Icon. They do look a bit shiney as I have not spray varnished them yet (I like to make sure it's not too cold as the varnish can create a dusting effect at the wrong temerature / humidity).
Lovely. Splendid work there Mr.No Name Sir!
Nicely dived over the line.
So that leaves VariStat then...
No Name
These are excellent and the look is very good, I agree about the shiny-factor and they will look better once they are dulled down a bit. If you are unsure of the spray may I suggest using watered down washes - which dry matte.
Looking good!
Some jolly nice looking followers of the plague god their sir.
Agreed on the dulling down thereof as they'll look spiffing then.
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