When you look at all the nicely painted stuff in the various books for Flames of War, well you want your stuff to look as good as that right!
The article in W.I. determined what sort of gamer are you, more gaming than painting or vice-versa, well I definitely fir the former category! As a result I didn't wait to master the spray gun in order to
The results are here, I hope this gives you some insight and encouragement if you
I have now completed my first SD KFZ 251/1 hanomags for my Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Platoon, to support my Armour Company.
The PZ IV platoon was also finished, well the decals need to go on, which will be done in the next day or so.
I thought the Armour was a good way to go initially as the "Attacker" stance gene
I wanted to get some decent Recce into the comapny asap, so chose the illustrious PZII -Luchs. I just like the general look of the
I have additional Support in the shape of Air Support, Ju87G Stuka squadron, a PAK 40 platoon and a Tiger I. The Stukas need painting though! Watch this space. In the pipeline I have the box set Panzer Kannonen(due to my W.I. subscription, thanks Silverback ;-) a wrothy investment), these have a Panther and a StuG G in them which if I add another Panther, could give me a basic company of:
2 Panther HQ, 5 PZ IV Combat platoon, 5 StuG-G platoon plus support. Could be fun!
Well until then.....TTFN!
my god you have turned into a FoW factory. I am sure the Varistat has some form of drug he gives when we are not looking to get a burst of hobby magic!
They look great - again models of this scale never stand scrutinty from 1" away unless you are an awesome painter. But the long range shots show them in their magnificence.
I am bit confused why they have PIIs are recce in a modern force. Not really fast, agile or stealthy!
I am confused, surely the modern German army are not still utilising the Panzer II!
Or did you just mean as a WW II recce.
They werent bad for the period I believe.
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